Cute Friendship Poems Are Meant to Be Shared
As I am always on the lookout for topics to write poems about friendship, I came across this little quote, "A hug is a handshake from the heart." It had no author given, except A. Nonymous, so I immediately thought, "Wow! Here is a best friend poem waiting to happen!"
You can add this to your list of short friendship poems that you like to share.
After all, these are made to be shared, just remember they are copyrighted, so you have to let others know the author. Thanks!!
A Hug Is a Handshake from the Heart
A hug is a handshake from the heart.
What an apt description this gives.
A hug is for someone you really like,
Where a friendship certainly lives.
A hug is a way to express yourself
Without having to say any words.
You just put your arms around a friend;
A hug gives its own rich rewards.
Hugs can swiftly be sent by text,
Or very slowly in the mail.
All you need is one round circle,
An abbreviation that never fails.
A circle is for both your arms--
'Round your special friend they go.
Just email a lot of circles,
And the friendship will flow and grow.
But if the time is just not correct
A hug for all friends to impart.
Just give your friends a handshake.
A handshake is a hug from your heart.
Elaine Kennelly
Copyright by Elaine Kennelly, 2012, All Rights Reserved.
Isn't it fun just to be silly? Even at my age, I LOVE to have fun, to laugh and to wear feather boas! Here Elaine and Dianne are not afraid to be silly and cute!
Give Birth to Some Mirth!
Who doesn't like to smile, laugh, chortle or guffaw? A good belly-laugh will put you and your best friends in a great mood. In fact, Dr. Oz says that belly laughs help to reduce belly fat! Wow! Let's start laughing!
Here are some funny poems on friendship. I think you will be reading these again and again. After all, best friends like to have fun together!
If there is one ingredient of my mental being that has helped me the most in life, it is the ability to laugh easily.
The Gift of Laughter
Laughter is the glue that binds friendship;
It's the happiness of my heart.
It's the softener of hardship,
And makes my depression depart.
To laugh brings out the best in me;
Provides the way for joy to begin.
Soothes my thoughts, angry and crabby,
And let's the bright sunshine in.
Sometimes I laugh all by myself,
It cheers my gloomy moods.
It comes just like a little elf,
And soon my happiness exudes.
I like to laugh with all my friends,
And they like to laugh with me.
It binds us together and always sends
A message of love -- totally free.
You see, it costs you nothing to laugh.
The only cost comes from within.
You must be prepared to share yourself.
Those battles of Life? You will win!
Elaine Kennelly
Copyrighted by Elaine Kennelly, 2012, All Rights Reserved
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Gulls Just Wanna Have Fun! And that is the truth! Everybody wants to have fun! More poems on friendship that will make you laugh or at least smile!
Best Friends -- here is more fun and friends. It's a great combination
People Pleasers Poem
Once upon a time I wanted
To have everyone like me.
I worked my very hardest to
Please everyone I would see.
I sure obeyed my parents;
Not my older brother, very much.
In fact, I would be a tattletale;
Get him in trouble, oh, so much!
I always pleased my teachers.
And never got in trouble.
The worst that I ever did was
Chew gum and blow a bubble.
In high school I surely wanted
Tons of friends to like me best.
Not just my pretty girlfriends,
Now, all the boys were my quest.
In college, yes, I got good grades,
But I matured. God had a plan.
I came to grips with understanding
That who I was, was who I am!
And now I'm getting older;
I must to you confess.
Guess what? I really like myself!
You don't like me? I'm not distressed.
I've come to understand
That many whom I meet
Will not want me on their Facebook wall,
And will never send a Tweet.
But it's not about the numbers.
Not how many friends do I have?
It's the quality of our friendship,
When we're together, are we glad?
Have you made a special effort
To keep your friendships strong?
Start TODAY to call your closest friends and say:
"I love you, and I've loved you all along!"
Elaine Kennelly
Copyrighted by Elaine Kennelly, 2012, All Rights Reserved
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31 Day Devotional
This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!
Much love,
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New Book from Elaine
Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith!
Over 500 Bible verses and 50 prayers in this easy-to-read devotional book!
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Great Gift for Anniversary, Christmas, or birthday!