Are your best friendships for REAL? Or are your best friends just acquaintances? In other words, are your friendships meaningful? Do they actually work? Are you working on them to make them better? Are they fun?
One of the best qualities of a good friend is KEEPING the friendship fresh and fun.
Consider this an improvement course in How To Keep A Best Friendship:
Here is a great quality of a good friend -- LOWER YOUR EXPECTATIONS.
Absolutely everyone is very busy. If you're a woman friend age 50+ you may have kids in college, and how expensive is that! Or, even, only kidding, you may still have kids living at home.
Or maybe your adult kids just moved back home. YIKES!
If you are 60+, you may have more time, but less money. Or perhaps you are caring for an elderly parent. There is always a "fly in the ointment", and by that I mean, don't expect all of your women friends to be perfect.
Here's the deal: We all have flaws. Oh, I mean flaws.
And here's the thing about a best friendship, if you want to make your friendships better, stronger, last longer, and be more fun, accept your best friend just the way she is -- don't try to change her.
My original Best Friend Sister, Barb, and I have very similar, out-going, zany personalities. We were both school teachers, at the same school. We're both blond. We're both short.
BUT, are we exactly the same? Of course not. Are circumstances the same now as they were 30 years ago. Of course not. Having your expectations too
high will ruin a best friend friendship. You will grow apart, and eventually, the friendship fades into nothing.
One of the best qualities of a good friend is DO MORE LAUGHING.
Best Friends Barb and Elaine Having A Good Laugh
Here is a wonderful quote from Zig Ziglar:
"Most of us would be upset if we were accused of being 'silly'.
But the word, 'silly' comes from the old English word 'selig',
and its literal definition is to be blessed, happy, healthy, and prosperous."
Who wouldn't want to be silly?
Since my husband is a Pharmacist, he goes to a lot of continuing education. One of his classes was on releasing sertonin in the body - - it's good for you. The instructor actually made the class laugh --out loud -- with big belly laughs -- for seven seconds.
Doesn't sound like much, but just try it. Oh, go ahead. Try it -- right now. I'll laugh, too. Best friends always do silly things together.
Isn't it great? Don't you feel better and in just 7 seconds. Works every time!
Try this at your next Bible Class at your church. Tom and I did this a lot when we were teaching, and there are some, just a few, who WILL smile, but never really guffaw.
But that's OK.
Be a best friend who lowers her expectations and laughs a lot, and your best friend relationship will turn into a Best Friend Sister!
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31 Day Devotional
This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!
Much love,
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Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith!
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