Best Friend Sister
- You're Part of the Family -

My heart's desire for is that my Best Friend Sisters, and all women friends around the world would be made known, honored, encouraged and appreciated, under the blessing of God Almighty and His Son, Jesus Christ.

Wow! I hate to admit this, but I like getting older. Well, maybe what I really like better is myself, as I get older....

When I was younger, life was more me-centric. Often my priorities revolved around what I wanted:, a loving marriage, children, business success, lots of friends, the qualities of a good friend and even the clothes that hung in my closet.

And shoes -- let's not even get started on shoes!

I'll be honest. I wanted my girlfriends to like me. I wanted everyone to like me!

Best Friends share from their feet up!

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One of the best things that has happened to me now at 50+ is my awareness:

  1. What I give to my best friends is more important than what I receive from my friendships.

  2. That mending a broken friendship is worth every bit of effort.

  3. That I like myself, and I do not really care too much if others like me or not.

  4. That loyalty, devotedness, honesty and integrity is of vital importance in my relationships.

The benefit is that all of us can give of ourselves to enrich the lives of our women friends of any age. It is not that we wish to ignore the 30+ woman or 40+ woman, but they are at a different season of their lives.

As the Bible says, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." Eccl. 3:1 NIV

Just imagine for a moment, how many Best Friend Sisters there are all over the world.

Just imagine how sharing our stories would be enough encouragement and fun to last us the rest of our lives!

The quickest and easiest tool to share your friendship story is right here on this website, Through your stories you will give, share, laugh, travel, exchange knowledge, explain hobbies, comfort, encourage, edify and connect with women friends that you know, trust and love.

This website is not about me, it is about us, women friends over 50, gathering together in Friendship, Faith and Fun.

Look at the life of Jesus. He had the qualities of a good friend. He had a team of best friend brothers, not best friend sisters.

He interacted with men and women, parents and children, rich and poor, young and old, religious leaders and prostitutes, soldiers and tax collectors, those who believed Him and those who rejected Him.

My pastor, Dr. Jimmy Jackson, said recently, "Be a river, not a reservoir."

A river flows and touches the banks on both sides, watering the trees, providing a home for numerous fish and other aquatic life. It also provides food for many, including humans.

A river is always adapting to change: more rain, less rain, a beaver dam, huge rocks, a fallen tree, litter, a boat, or even a swimmer.

A river flows, touches, waters, nourishes, provides and adapts.

A reservoir, on the other hand is a place where water is collected and stored. gives five synonyms:

  1. Store
  2. Pool
  3. Fund
  4. Stockpile
  5. Hoard - - Ouch, that one hurts!

Best Friend Sisters are a river, created for giving sharing, encouraging and having fun!

A River of Friendship is filled with Giving, Sharing, Encouraging and Fun

This website is a celebration of the fact that as we live longer, we have women friendships that are touching lives and growing in longevity. People need these long-lasting friendships and their interactions to feel happy and healthy.

We can say as we age over the 50 mark, "I have known, liked and trusted this valued friend of mine for 20 or 30 or even 40 years."

Now that, Best Friend Sister, is a beautiful gift.

How to Make Friends

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Something Sisters 31 Day Devotional

Something Sisters
31 Day Devotional

This thirty-one-day devotional book is written for you and your Best Friends to be renewed in your friendship with Jesus. Each day provides a place for you to personalize this with your Best Friend's name. It is a unique and memorable friendship gift. It is also great to keep you close to God!

Much love,


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New Book from Elaine


  Knowing God better and trusting Him more will allow a new level of living above your everyday feelings. Feelings are always in flux. They change with the ebb and flow of our day, and often cause us to make decisions that are not in keeping with our faith in God. Living above our circumstances is a gift in which God allows our faith to triumph over times of confusion, grief, fear and spiritual weakness. This book provides life-victory through our faith! 

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